The Foundation has supported the following projects:
- The Sustainable Disposal of Heritage Assets by the Princes Regeneration Trust. A Local Authority Toolkit available.
- The Development of Environmental Justice by Aberdeen University.
- Modern Practice with Healing Gardens by Jenny Potter.
- Supporting Planning Graduates into Work by Joanna Stewart and Veronica Burbridge , RTPI Scotland.
- Development of the Scottish Renaissance Towns Network.
- Planning after Devolution by Janice Morphet and Ben Clifford.
- An Examination of the Viability and Appropriateness of a Marine Planning Exchange for UK Waters led by Anne-Michelle Slater, Senior Lecturer in Law, University of Aberdeen.
- Health Inequalities and Planning - TCPA Project Completion Report. A project to produce a handbook on how to re-unite health and planning in England, by Michael Chang, Town and Country Planning Association.
- Re-uniting Health and Planning, Phase 2. By Michael Chang, Town and Country Planning Association.
- Planning for Disaster, a project to look for lessons from the experience of the Japanese tsunami by Stephen Phelan.
- Neighbourhood Planning in Practice by Katherine Brookfield.
- Exploring New Models of Community-based Planning in the Devolved UK by Simon Pemberton and Deborah Peel.
- Housing, Health & Social Care: Service Integration and Community Development in the Provision of Appropriate Residential Accommodation through Extra Care Housing by Peter Roberts and James Horne.