Chairman Professor Peter Roberts OBE
Peter Roberts is a Board Member and Chair of the Skills and Knowledge Committee of the Homes and Communities Agency. He is Professor of Sustainable Spatial Development at the University of Leeds and an adviser to Addleshaw Goddard solicitors and to Atkins Limited.
Dermot Grimson
Dermot Grimson is a founding partner in a power generation business, TiGRE Group, pursuing offshore gas to power projects in the North Sea with gas field operators and offshore wind developers. Previously, he worked for Royal Dutch Shell in their upstream business and The Crown Estate in their offshore renewable energy business.
Joyce Hartley
Joyce Hartley is a practising planner who has worked in the public and private sectors and currently with Falkirk Council's development plan team. She plays a leading role supporting national events for the RTPI in Scotland and has organised planning events for IDOX and the Improvement Service.
Andrew Lean
Andrew Lean is a senior civil servant who has spent most of his career in regeneration. He has served his time in DoE with the Urban Programme, City Challenge and the Single Regeneration Budget and is now advising the HCA, CLG and GLA on devolution of key programmes to the GLA.
Greg Lloyd
Greg Lloyd is a Professor of Urban Planning and Head of the School of the Built Environment, University of Ulster. He was Ministerial Adviser to the Northern Ireland Assembly Government on its reform of land use planning and is a Patron of Planning Aid for Scotland
Richard Taylor
Richard Taylor is a Financial and Commercial Director and currently Finance Director of Greenbelt Holdings Ltd and subsidiaries and previously Commercial Director of CRL Opto Ltd. He is chartered accountant of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Scotland.
Secretary - Tony Burton OBE
Tony Burton is a Director of IDOX Information Services and Managing Editor of Scottish Planning and Environmental Law journal. He was Chief Executive of the Planning Exchange until 2002. He is Deputy Chairman of Which? and previously a director of the Lighthouse and BURA’s Best Practice Committee.